The word tripod derives from the Greek words 'tripous', meaning
three-footed, and refers to a three-legged structure. Used as a seat or
stand, the form of the tripod is the most stable furniture construction
for uneven ground, hence its ancient and widespread existence.In Ancient Greece, tripods were most frequently used as a support for
a lebes (cauldron) or as a base for other vases, although they could
also function as ornaments, trophies, and sacrificial altars.Indeed, in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, we are often told of tripods
being given as gifts exchanged between hosts and guests, or as prizes to
those successful in games, and in the Classical period, vases show that
they continued to be awarded as prizes for athletic competitions.
(below: a black-figure ceramic tile showing a charioteer with his team; on the ground, the tripod awaits the victor)
Herodotus, too, mentions how victory tripods were not to be removed
from the sanctuary precinct, but left as dedications to the god or
goddess. As well as prizes for victors in the games, tripods were also
given as prizes in dramatic contests; at the Dionysia, the victorious
choregos (a wealthy citizen who bore the expense of equipping and
training the dramatic chorus) received a crown and a tripod. He would
either dedicate the tripod to a deity or set it upon the top of a marble
structure in a street in Athens called the street of tripods, named so
because of the large number of choregic monuments of this kind.Tripods were usually made of bronze, sometimes featuring other bronze decoration such as horses or griffin heads.
Some were made of gold, however these were normally reserved for use as dedications to the gods because of their special value.
One of the most famous tripods belonged to the Pythia in the Sanctury
of Apollo at Delphi. This divinely-inspired priestess used to sit on
top of a tripod to deliver the oracles of Apollo, and a laurel-branch
was placed on top of the tripod whenever she was away. Because of this,
by the Classical Period, the tripod had come to be strongly associated
with, and even sacred to, the god Apollo.A popular image on Athenian black and red-figure pottery is that of
the myth of Apollo and Herakles contesting for the Delphic tripod; angry
at not having received a cure for his illness from the Pythia, Herakles
began destroying the temple, and tried to carry off the tripod,
thinking he would establish an oracle of his own. However, he was
prevented by Zeus and Apollo, who reclaimed his sacred seat.

Another famous tripod is the so-called Plataean Tripod, made using
some of the spoils taken from the Persian army after the Battle of
Plataea in 479 BC. Particularly elaborate, it comprised a gold basin
supported by a bronze serpent with three heads, in whose coils were
inscribed the names of the states who had taken part in the war. During
the Third Sacred war (356-346 BC) it was taken as booty by the Phocians
and in AD 324 the stand was transported by the emperor Constantine to
Constantinople and can to this day still be seen in the hippodrome in
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